Scholars Program

Triton's Scholars Program 一个为期两年的课程是为那些计划获得文科或理科副学士学位并转入竞争激烈的四年制学院和大学的有学术天赋的地区学生准备的吗. 该计划为有才华的学生提供了一个在家里完成大学前两年课程的机会.

该项目为优秀学生提供了难得的机会. It's an academically rigorous two-year curriculum program. 澳门赌博平台计划有一个精心挑选的教师非常积极地工作与特殊有才华的学生. 课程研究由学术的定期客座讲师补充, cultural and professional communities. 被录取的学生可以预期一个苛刻的学习课程,最终获得副学士学位,并有很好的机会转到竞争激烈的四年制学院和大学.

The Scholars Program features:

  • Carefully selected faculty
  • 小班致力于精读,讨论和研究技能
  • An emphasis on language, 在智力要求较高的环境中具有分析和批判性思维能力
  • 仔细的转学安置咨询与转学援助学士学位授予机构和奖学金申请
  • Full academic scholarships for qualified students
  • Waiver of in-district tuition
  • Participation in special activities, such as museum visits, guest lectures, Scholars Open House, graduates reception, theater evening and other activities
  • Special recognition on transcripts and diplomas
我可以自信地说,澳门赌博平台项目不仅仅为我在乔治城大学的经历做好了准备. Not only do I feel more mature and focused than many of my peers, 但澳门赌博平台项目确实帮助我评估了自己的能力和时间管理能力, and it has befitted me in every aspect of school.
Maddy Norton
Class of 2022

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Entering first-year students must meet the following criteria:

  • SAT or ACT scores above the college minimum for English and Math
  • An accumulated minimum G.P.A. of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent
  • Faculty and counselor recommendations
  • Additional indicators of academic potential

虽然这个项目是为高中入学的学生设计的, current Triton College students are sometimes accepted, but must meet these criteria: 

  • 15 minimum college-level credits
  • 30 maximum college-level credits are allowed. However, 完成一个学期以上的学生很少能够将所需的课程与他们的学术计划相匹配
  • A minimum 3.5 G.P.A. 

目前的学生必须在进入Triton时达到大学英语水平, and have no more than one 'W' (withdraw) grade.



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申请过程由Triton区的每一所公立高中管理. 居住在该区的私立高中学生也可以从他们的辅导员那里获得申请,或者直接联系特里顿学院.

For more information and a printed application form, 请联系你的高中辅导员或Michael Flaherty或写信:

Triton College
2000 Fifth Ave. River Grove IL 60171
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3250

Current Triton Students:
To qualify for admission, a Triton student must live in-district, 打算在四年制学校攻读文学和科学学士学位,并获得3.5 cumulative G.P.A. with no less than 15 and no more than 32 transferable credits. 成绩单必须显示数学和英语达到大学水平.

Online Applications are not available.

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Scholars Program courses are enriched versions of regular courses, 旨在帮助有才华和积极进取的学生实现他们的最大潜力. 完成澳门赌博平台计划总共需要60-64个学期的课程. The courses are transferable, 达到大学前两年的通识教育要求. The course work emphasizes analytic and critical thinking skills, 在智力要求很高的环境中发展语言.

Scholars Program classes are characterized by:

  • Smaller class size
  • Seminar format
  • Greater interaction among students and with the professor
  • 更深入地处理课程内容,强调分析, synthesis, critical thinking, application and discussion

Course Offerings
Scholars Program students must average 15 credit hours each semester. Previous credit is included in that average, 但是学生必须保持他们的全日制身份,并且必须按时毕业. They may have a maximum of only one W on their transcript. Student schedules must include two Scholars courses, plus the one-hour Scholars Seminar course on Wednesday afternoons.

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指导学生选择选修课程,以平衡他们的学习计划和满足他们计划的大学专业要求. 为澳门赌博平台计划学生提供的咨询和建议服务旨在最大限度地实现学分转移.


  • Arizona State University
  • Ohio University
  • American University
  • Purdue University
  • The Art Institute of Chicago
  • Tulane University
  • Auburn University
  • University of California at Los Angeles
  • Boston University
  • University of Chicago
  • Boston College
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Cornell University
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Illinois Institute of Technology
  • University of Southern California
  • Indiana University
  • Georgetown University
  • Mount Holyoke
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Vanderbilt
  • Northwestern University
  • Smith College
  • University of Iowa
  • And others. . .

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Service Learning

In the fall semester of 2002, Triton大学澳门赌博平台计划采用了一项服务学习计划, 所有澳门赌博平台计划的新生每学期将在他们的社区完成24小时的志愿者活动.

服务学习伙伴包括社会服务领域的机构, culture and history, library service, animal care, health service, and literacy service. 该计划邀请Triton学院服务区内任何感兴趣的非营利机构与该计划联系,以获取有关成为服务学习合作伙伴的信息.

Purpose and Goals of Service Learning
The service-learning mission is threefold. 服务学习为Triton学院的学生提供了志愿者机会,他们将分享自己的才能, skills, interest and expertise. In addition, 服务学习者将协助非营利组织和卫生保健机构招募学生参加他们的特殊活动和/或日常任务. Lastly, 澳门赌博平台计划服务学习者(SSL)将记录和报告服务学习学生工作的价值和影响.

Service Learning Forms

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Contact Information

Dr. Michael Flaherty
Program Director
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3250

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